Amrita Prasad


AmritaAmrita Prasad

Partnership and Community Expert

Amrita joined Martel Innovate in January 2021 as the Partnership and Community Expert. She has over 5 years of experience as a community manager in Switzerland. She has initiated, led and managed several cloud technology communities like Docker, OpenStack, Cloud Foundry and SDN in Switzerland during this time. She was also one of the core persons of the Swiss Data Innovation Alliance (formerly known as Swiss Alliance for Data Intensive Services), having led and supported the communication, events and administration activities for the swiss data science community.

Amrita has a lot of experience in events organisation and takes immense joy in connecting people.

Having a masters in life sciences, a masters in international business, and working for over 5 years in the Swiss technology environment, she has a flair for both science and business. At core, Amrita is a people’s person with a very strong focus towards communication and collaboration.