Verena Wottrich

Verena WottrichVerena Wottrich

Communication and Dissemination Specialist

Dr. Verena Wottrich joined Martel in April 2020 as Communication and Dissemination Specialist. She is involved in Martel’s community building, communication and dissemination activities for various H2020 projects.

Prior to joining Martel, Verena worked as Head of Communication and Spokesperson for the Media Authority of Rhineland-Palatinate in Germany, which is the coordinator of the EU-funded German Safer Internet Centre. There, she was also involved in the two EU-funded digital literacy projects klicksafe and SELMA.

Verena holds a PhD in Social and Behavioural Science from the Amsterdam School of Communication Research (ASCoR), University of Amsterdam. In her dissertation, she investigated consumers’ privacy decisions in the context of mobile apps.

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