About Swiss participation to H2020: let’s be clear on how funding works

Yes! Swiss participation to H2020 is ENTIRELY financed by the Swiss authorities. And YES Swiss partners are perfectly entitled to participate in H2020 projects and act as prime coordinators.

As a Swiss based SME involved in EC funded collaborative projects since about 20 years and managing several ongoing ones, Martel, my company, has a consolidated and strong experience in the international R&D&I landscape. Martel has been involved in several FP5, FP6, FP7 and H2020 projects, and we are now working on a number of proposals for open and upcoming 2016 calls.

Swiss participation to H2020

Since I get the question about how Swiss organisations can participate in EC projects quite often, I’d like to share the answer with all of you.

Throughout the years, the form of participation for Swiss organisations into European Commission funded projects has changed and adapted to reflect the bilateral agreements between the EU and the Swiss government.

In the current H2020 context, Swiss partners are FULLY entitled to participate and they DO NOT IMPACT the requested grant to the EC AT ALL. The equivalent claimed costs of the Swiss partners are directly and entirely financed by the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research, and Innovation, SERI, according to the rules stated by the SERI.

We are now running several H2020 projects – since its beginning in 2014 – and have strong expertise on how financial, administrative and legal rules for Swiss participants apply.

Therefore, in case you have any further doubt and you are looking for a competent, committed and experienced team, well, make sure you drop me  a message or you contact us directly at: info@martel-innovate.com