European Funding for Research and Innovation: How to Get There?

The Horizon 2020 EU Research and Innovation Programme

fundingEuropean funding is key to boost our society and it is available for a broad range of projects and programmes covering areas such as:

  • Regional & urban development.
  • Employment & social inclusion.
  • Agriculture & rural development.
  • Maritime & fisheries policies.
  • Research & innovation.
  • Humanitarian aid.

EU funding is either directly managed by the European Commission (Horizon 2020, COSME, LIFE+, CEF, Creative Europe, EaSI) or indirectly through programmes managed nationally (Structural and Cohesion funds, European Regional Development funds, etc.).

Horizon 2020 is the biggest European Research and Innovation programme ever with almost €80 billion of funding available over seven years (2014- 2020). H2020 aims at financing breakthroughs, discoveries and top-noth innovations by taking great ideas from the laboratory to the market and to the society for the benefit of all citizens. By coupling research and innovation, Horizon 2020 is investing in the future of the whole European society and so put it at the heart of “the EU’s blueprint for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth and jobs“.

Horizon 2020 is open to everyone, but, despite the efforts of the European Commission (EC) to make is better accessible when compared to previous Framework Programmes, it is still a big challenge to be able to navigate the different funding options, understand which financial instruments can better fit to specific ideas and plans, and finally how to get through the overall procedures that will finally allow you to benefit from the H2020 offering.

Martel Innovate to make it happen!

The good news is that there are several players in the European landscape that are specialised in EU funding and more specifically in Horizon 2020 instruments and modalities that can help your innovative ideas and plans to make it to EC financial support.

Martel Innovate is one of the top leaders in EC funding being at the forefront of the Digital Innovation scene with more than 20 years experience in European R&D programmes and projects. Throughout these years and thanks to numerous liaisons and collaborations with top-class R&D players in Europe and worldwide, Martel Innovate has built a unique mix of competences thservices4at are put at the service of our customers and partners.

Martel is currently running 16 ongoing Horizon 2020 projects!

What best differentiate Martel’s offering from other consulting companies in EC funding is the combination of the direct hands-on experience we have gained through participation in many R&D&I proposals’ writing and submissions (not just theory!), together with the multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural mix of skills of our employees, who are also directly involved in projects’ evaluation – as external experts serving the EC – and in projects’ management and execution for the succesful ones. This allows to properly and adaptively address diverse needs our customers and partners need help with.

A small, but competent, trusted and committed group of professionals, working with and for our customers and partners. This is the major asset of Martel” says Dr. Monique Calisti, Director of Martel Innovate. “There is no unique recipe to be succesful in Horizon 2020 and there are many challenges since the competition has increased enormously. In Horizon 2020 the funding modalities and the instruments to get them are more inclusive and appealing especially for private organisations, which has enormously increased the competition. In this respect, to be succesful requires top-notch expertise to shape and present your innovation ideas and plans in a distinctive and convincing way”. 

Martel EC Funding Services

Martel provides different training, support and consulting services that can help you getting to European funding, while refining and sharpening your business plans. We offer training courses for groups and individuals, in-house or at your premises, and we run dedicate one-to-one (one-to-few) workshops to help you understanding which way to go as a preliminary step.

  • Understanding and assessing the impact of advanced Information and Communication Technologies in and for your organisation’s strategy and business developments.
  • R&D financial support scouting to help you identifying the most suitable funding opportunities. Providing support for the overall funding process identification and implementation.
  • Proposals’ preparation and execution: from proposals’ writing & submission to  supervising resource planning, monitoring, reporting, admin and financial control & risk management.
  • Communication and media promotion of your results and market offering through tailored strategies, tools and activities, including creativity and design, on-line infrastructures (web sites, social media profiles, newsletters, blogs, etc.) and events.

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