Martel Actively Facilitates the EU-China Collaboration in the ICT field

It has been 7 months since Martel started coordinating the H2020 project EXCITING: EU-China Study on IoT and 5G and the team is making excellent progress. Martel and the other partners are being proactive in striving to push the boundary to further the collaboration between Europe and China in the field of 5G and IoT. The project has achieved a number of “extra” results beyond those envisaged in the work plan.

What Have Been Achieved So Far:

  • First EXCITING Conference in China. A one-day conference hosted by the project partner Huawei in Beijing in March 2017. It was attended by around 200 participants with high-level speakers from the government, industry and research. A parallel IPv6 Award Ceremony took place to recognise three Chinese companies that have made significant contributions in this field. The back-to-back project meeting included not only partners but also most of the distinguished Advisory Group members. Together with these experts, the project identified potential opportunities and concrete paths to further collaboration between Europe and China in the fields of 5G and IoT.


  • Short-term recommendations to policy makers. As one of the direct outcomes of the First EXCITING Conference in Beijing, the project has identified three concrete recommendations for furthering collaboration between both regions. These are: 1) Promoting the signing of an MoU between the European Alliance of Internet of Things Innovation (AIOTI) and the Chinese Alliance of Industrial Internet (AII), 2) Creating synergy with the 5G PPP Programme / 5G Industry Association with a view to identifying joint projects as well as collaboration on 5G Trials; under this framework, the project is currently facilitating the signing of an MoU between 5G testbeds in the UK and one in Shanghai, and 3) Supporting the EU-China Business Summit 2017 in Brussels on 2nd June 2017, where Martel’s Director Mr. Martin Potts will moderate a panel on the subject of the Digital Economy. The discussion is expected to address both 5G activities in Europe and China and the Internet of Things and Manufacturing 4.0. It is a further opportunity for stimulating collaboration between the regions in these two key technology areas.

What to Expect:

  • Engagement event in the IoT Week on June 6th (15:00 – 17:45). This is a strategic session jointly organised by the EXCITING project, the IoT Week (the organiser – Mandat International – is one of the EXCITING partners), as well as the Global IoT Summit (two EXCITING partners are on the Steering Committee). This session will not only introduce the EXCITING project, but also share the finalised short-term recommendations listed above to trigger discussion and receive feedback and endorsement from the audience.
  • Links with the five Large-Scale Pilot projects funded by the recent IoT call from the Commission
  • Signing of MoUs between European and Chinese IoT / 5G organisations, relating to initiatives and trials.

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Twitter: @EUChina_IoT5G


Contact Person: Ms. Kai Zhang –