digi gov

Martel is at the forefront of an European movement to explore Digital Government Transformation.

Digital transformation is having a profound impact – not only on the economy, reshaping vertical industries, creating new business models and supply chains – but also on our society and our governments.

Martel’s team of experts is contributing to the innovation transformation across multiple sectors of industry, through projects spanning from driverless automotives (5G-DRIVE); social interaction models and artificial intelligence (WeNET); IoT applications in smart cities (Orchestra Cities); smart agriculture (StoryWine); Satellite Communication (QV-Lift) and augmented reality and new media applications (FLAME).

Martel’s leading role in communicating the 5G Infrastructure Public Private Partnership (5G-PPP) and Next Generation Internet (NGI) initiatives means Martel has a broad viewpoint on the future landscape and potential of technology convergence.

While the business sector has been quick to adopt and exploit new technologies, we see an increasing effort by public administrations at all levels to digitize their services. There is an increasing evolution from e-government to digital government, which entails a reconceptualization of certain functions of the civil service. Digital innovation in the public sector carries the potential for more effective policy making and more inclusive societies, if implemented correctly.

digi govMartel is among the partners in a study entitled “Exploring Digital Government Transformation”, managed by the European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC) funded under the ELISE Action of the European Commission’s DIGIT ISA2 Programme, which aims at understanding how the digital transformation of government can transform policy making, service delivery, and governance systems.

Martel has a key role in the Exploring Digital Government Transformation study, managing stakeholders and experts’ engagement and dissemination of results and activities. Martel recently organized the first workshop in ISPRA, Varese, with around 50 participants in a two-day discussion of digital government transformation, the factors shaping public sector innovation, barriers and drivers, actors involved and less tangible effects such as those on engagement, participation, and trust.

At the Workshop on Exploring Digital Government Transformation, there were contributions from senior representatives of UN DESA, OECD, EGPA, EIPA, Italian Digital Team, academia (Copenhagen Business School, Delft University of Technology, Gdańsk University of Technology, Politecnico of Milan, Tallinn University of Technology, Trinity College Dublin, University of Birmingham & Hertie School of Governance, University of Konstanz) and of course the JRC team, bringing their wealth of experience, research and relevant case studies. The ethical perspective and the critical thinking of the adoption of technologies such as AI is a hot topic in public debate and Europe is at the forefront, promoting the essential values of trust, reliability, openness and privacy.