Monique-iotweekAt the IoT Week, Martel fully embraced the agenda participating in a wide range of activities around three main ways it is supporting through EC funded projects in coalition with other partners: business, showing how Internet of Things solutions can improve business; technology, sharing knowledge about new technologies and device optimizations; and society, promoting sustainability through smart cities and end-user engagement. The annual event is organized by the IoT Forum, which Martel is member of, in collaboration with a number of Horizon 2020 projects, including our Next Generation Internet of Things (NGIoT) Coordination and Support Action, and this year’s edition took place in Aarhus, Denmark.

Martel representatives were invited to moderate sessions and give several presentations, and our Head of Consulting Dr Lamprini Kolovou coordinated activities across two exhibition booths, one in the expo area in collaboration with other partners from the IoT Large Scale Pilots (IoT-LsP) promoting the our NGIoT and U4IoT projecs, and one in the public exhibition area, where a fortune wheel and a photo booth were made available to attract visitors and make them discover the NGIoT vision, work and objectives.

Our CEO Dr Monique Calisti gave a presentation at the High Level Panel on IoT Future Demand and Research Priorities focusing on first findings of NGIoT for the roadmapping exercise that the project is running to identify research priorities and challenges. Monique also participated in a panel on IoT for Smart Cities & IoT Standardisation Convergence presenting our Orchestra Cities smart services platform who was also demonstrated in Aarhus in a dedicated booth in the Startup area our CIO Dr Giovanni Rimassa has been coordinating.

Many visitors had a live demo of the capabilities of the Orchestra Cities Platform using a Lego model. Our commitment in the smart cities scene was strengthened also via the discussions that Monique animated as moderator of the IoT and 5G City workshop who gathered prominent speakers from industry and standardization activities. Read the White Paper, IoT and 5G City, Let’s Make it Happen!

The IoT Week participants were also invited by Martel to give their views on the question: “IoT for What?” and their responses, featured in our video, reveal a broad spectrum of the ways in which various projects are focusing on a human-centered Internet and the issues facing IoT today and beyond.  Watch our video IoT for What?

It was an important appointment also for Martel’s global relations in the international context, enhancing EU-China cooperation in the IoT scene. Martel’s Project Manager Kai Zhang presented our activities about SMEs engagement at the “EU-China IoT Industrial Cooperation: launch of Collaboration between AIOTI and AII” session. Kai also gave a presentation on IoT security at the “DevOps: the Future of Software Development for IoT Systems” workshop, besides coordinating organization of dedicated sessions our H2020 U4IoT project run on how to overcome IoT technology adoption barriers and ensure sustainability of IoT solutions and services.

It was an incredible opportunity for our team to engage with our partners all across the globe at work for next generation IoT technologies and solutions. By gathering and making available a huge amount of data which can help improving the quality of life of people, IoT is instrumental to ensure a human-centric digital transformation of our society. Several challenges must be addressed and effective solutions, we believe, can only be found when acting in an open and collaborative dimension that must be global!
