Remember the old fable of three blind people with the pachyderm? Each of them built an impression of the animal by touching it, and described quite different animals based on whether they felt the trunk, flank or tail. If 5G is that elephant, Martel builds up an entire picture of 5G by working with all the parties involved in shaping it.

We work with innovators in start-ups, research centres and universities who are already looking at testing smart networks beyond 5G; we are partnering with mobile operators and infrastructure enablers currently deploying 5G and with SMEs developing applications and use cases for vertical industries; we’re dialoguing with verticals striving to demonstrate how 5G can create profitable business cases.

Martel is leading the marketing and communication programme of Full5G in the 5G Public Private Partnership (5G PPP) programme. In this role we pivot the orchestration of technical, scientific and industry outputs of the 5G PPP projects, bringing to life the 5G vision of the European Commission.

Martel is also a full member of the 5G Infrastructure Association (5G IA) which represents the private sector within the 5G PPP (the European Commission representing the public side). Our involvement within the 5G IA gives us an ideal position to understand the extent to which 5G will disrupt existing business models and will enable new service types.

Beyond the fable

By combining our 5G know-how from a wide variety of perspectives, Martel has developed an in-depth understanding of the opportunities and challenges ahead in the 5G arena.

Martel is indeed working in partnership on several European Commission Horizon 2020 funded research and innovation projects, which gives our team the opportunity to work across several core technical areas:

  • ORCA is developing multiple virtual networks.
  • FLAME is developing a Future Media Internet delivery platform based on 5G-enabled programmable infrastructures.
  • Fed4FIRE+ is offering facilities for testing 5G-based technologies and use cases.
  • 5G DRIVE is running joint 5G trials between Europe and China focusing on enhanced mobile broadband and V2X scenarios.

In addition, our software platform Orchestra Cities, an open source and open data IoT-driven solution designed to collaboratively connect smart services, devices, citizens and cities, is ideally positioned in the market to unleash the power of 5G-enabled scenarios.

Jump onboard the jumbo!

Are you working to submit an EC 5G PPP proposal? We are interested to hear from you!

  • Drop us an email info@martel-innovate.com
  • Meet us at the 5G and Beyond booth (Hall 3, booth 3.5) at the ICT Proposers’ Day in Helsinki, 19-20 September