Martel expertise on IoT for local, regional and global initiatives

Latest developments in the Internet of Things (IoT) are brought into focus today, IoT Day 2020. Martelians are working from home due to COVID-19 containment, but our thinking on IoT is on a local, regional and planetary scale.

Martel’s IoT platforms – available in your area

Martel’s IoT Sustainable Smart City Platform, Orchestra Cities, was designed as a multi-function platform allowing a broad range of IoT-enabled applications and services. The power and flexibility of Orchestra Cities allows Elektrizitätswerke des Kantons Zürich (EKZ) to offer towns in the Canton of Zurich tailored, multi-tenant support for multiple use cases. EKZ delivers cost-effective, safe, and environmentally responsible energy to one million people in Switzerland. Orchestra Cities in collaboration with EKZ covers several scenarios and includes important climate-relevant aspects.

Orchestra cities is featured as a key project in the booklet, ‘Fight against climate change‘ by the FIWARE Foundation, along with other environmentally friendly IoT and ICT innovations relating to cities, industry, agrifood and energy including air monitoring, transport, waste management and smart lighting as well as other smart projects. Download the PDF – Fighting Climate Change with FIWARE and read the Orchestra Cities article on p16.

StoryWine, Martel’s IoT Smart Agriculture platform is helping farmers to increase their efficiency, through IoT sensors and a control panel. Ground-based sensors record soil moisture, leaf wetness, air temperature, air humidity, wind speed and direction and global solar radiation. Satellite imagery shows vegetation index and soil moisture from an aerial view.

What’s special about our IoT platforms?

  • Openness: Open Source, Open Data Models and Open API. This is the perfect ground to develop IoT solutions for sustainable and inclusive cities.
  • Multi-city sharing and collaboration: City-to-City collaboration and Citizens-to-City collaborations are core to the Orchestra Cities approach. Linking local governance and businesses with data for better decision making for the benefit of society.
  • Data integration: large-scale IT with potential to blend Cloud computing with sensors and big data.

Martel’s expertise – regional coordination on IoT

Martel’s CEO, Monique Calisti, is proud of the fact that technical knowledge of IoT platforms has served Martel well as a key partner in the EC-funded Next Generation Internet of Things (NGIoT). In particular, Martel drove an activity to produce input for a European strategy on IoT:

In addition to the IoT platforms we have developed which help to measure and achieve environmental sustainability, Martel has applied our expert understanding of IoT to draw together the components of a Roadmap for the EC-funded NGIoT. The Roadmap assesses the research priorities, technical challenges and policy specifications that must be taken into account to ensure the next generation Internet of Things will become more human-centric.”

Download the Roadmap for the Next Generation Internet of Things, feedback is welcome.

Global thinking

Martel’s expertise on IoT for environmental monitoring at a global scale is in evidence in a recent White Paper. Martel identified data sets being measured by the Orchestra Cities IoT platform, including air quality and traffic noise, which are in line with UN key performance indicators on Smart and Sustainable Cities. Read the White Paper here:

Martel’s know-how on IoT is also brought to bear on the Digital For Planet Initiative, working to ensure a digitally empowered and ethically responsible society, including through appropriate application of IoT technologies. Learn more about how Martel can advise you on digital transformation for a sustainable world.