European cloud computing – the way ahead

Society relies on cloud computing to function and the European Commission has named the cloud a top priority to ensure Europe is fit for the digital age – now more than ever as work is increasingly conducted remotely due to COVID-19.

An estimated two billion Euro is earmarked for investment in EU cloud computing and in a new White Paper by Martel’s CEO, Dr Monique Calisti, the scope of the task ahead is put under scrutiny.

“It is vital to coordinate public and private research, industry, policy and regulations efforts on cloud computing to ensure the sustainable and impactful progress of our societies and economies”, she said.

The next generation European cloud is an essential element of the EC’s Next Generation Internet vision that is at the core of an open, inclusive, secure, and trustworthy digital society and economy, where data can be more safely exchanged and more effectively monetised.

The challenges, however, are numerous. From a lack of European cloud infrastructure and service providers, to a paucity of relevant digital skills, and policy making initiatives, as well as a lack of clarity in cloud contract terms and guidelines, the task is by no means easy.

The way ahead for Europe is outlined in the White Paper and is essential reading for all interested in the core infrastructure of our digital lives.

Read the White Paper here

Martel Innovate is coordinating the H-Cloud Project of the European Commission, join the community via the Horizon Cloud portal –