Martel News

Enroll today to master H2020 Successful Proposal Writing

“Writing a successful H2020 Proposal” Training HES-SO, Lausanne 7 September 2017 Dr. Monique Calisti, Martel Innovate Director and Executive Partner, will guide you through the fundamentals of successful H2020 proposals' preparation and submission. Horizon 2020 is the biggest European Research and Innovation programme ever with almost €80 billion of...

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Martel navigates the sea of Cognitive Radio with ORCA

The Cognitive Radio field can be at times not an easy sea to navigate but now ORCA is there! The Horizon 2020 project ORCA, Orchestration and Reconfiguration Control Architecture, will help the wireless research community and wireless innovation creators navigate this sea offering Cognitive Radio as a...

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Martel Innovate at the FIWARE Open Day

Martel Innovate at the FIWARE Open Day: reconfirming our committment to the success and growth of the FIWARE Open Service Platform and Business  Ecosystem. Dr. Federico Facca, Head of Martel Lab, and Dr. Monique Calisti, Executive Director of Martel Innovate, participated to the FIWARE Open Day...

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Back from the AIOTI Matchmaking Event

The European Alliance of IoT Innovation (AIOTI) - initiated by the European Commission in 2015 - has the mission to establish a dynamic European IoT ecosystem. It promotes convergence & interoperability of IoT standards and the Digitising European Industry policy. The AIOTI involves and actively recruits key...

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Martel attending the Mobile World Congress 2017

Martel is about to land at the Mobile World Congress, the world’s largest gathering for the mobile industry, organised by the GSMA and held in the Mobile World Capital Barcelona, 27 February - 2 March 2017. Embracing the mobile industry major trends This year the Mobile World...

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Martel Innovate presenting the Digital Social Innovation Fair 2017

Digital Technologies and Next Generation Internet at the service of Social Innovation  Rome (Italy), 1-2 February 2017 Martel Innovate is one of the main organisers of the Digital Social Innovation Fair 2017 which kicked off yesterday 1st February at the Campidoglio, in Rome. Dr. Monique Calisti, Executive Director and Partner of Martel,...

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Empowering Next Generation Media Ecosystems

Welcome to the Future Martel Innovate has contributed to kick off the FLAME project, a three-year Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Action that has the ambition to empower Next Generation Media Ecosystems. FLAME will develop an integrated service delivery platform that utilizes advanced compute & storage as...

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fiware summit

Martel Lab Presenting @ FIWARE Summit

This week Martel Lab presented its work on High Availability of FIWARE Data Management services at the FIWARE Summit in Malaga! You developed your FIWARE application using Context Broker and NGSI. Now you are ready to go to production and you want a rocket solid architecture for...

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eWINE Workshop, Intelligent wireless connectivity for Future Networks

eWINE Workshop - Intelligent wireless connectivity for Future Networks 11 November 2016, La Sapienza University, Rome Martel successfully coordinated the organization, communication and promotion of the first eWINE Workshop “Intelligent wireless connectivity for Future Networks”, kindly hosted by La Sapienza University. The workshop was aimed to discuss how...

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2nd Global 5G Event, “Enabling the 5G EcoSphere”

2nd Global 5G Event, “Enabling the 5G EcoSphere” In collaboration with the 5G Infrastructure Association, the European Commission and the EURO 5G project partners, Martel Innovate successfully orchestrated the organisation of the 2nd Global 5G Event held in Rome on November 9-10 2016. The two-day event hosted...

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Scalable microservices with Java Spring and Docker

Martel, in collaboration with, is creating a new offer for Docker-based trainings. The first course of the offer will be "Scalable microservices with Java Spring and Docker" and the first edition will be held in Milan on 17th December 2016. Overview This is a one-day workshop, designed for...

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Martel Lab at OpenStack Summit 2016

Tomas from Martel Lab spent the past week at OpenStack Summit 2016 to learn about the latest trends. Don't miss his blog on the event! We are looking forward ourself to try out OpenStack Newton and experiment our self the new features!...

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Postcard from FIWARE in Mexico

EU-Mexico collaboration framework bootstrapped! The FIWARE family is growing and reaching far in Mexico. Beginning of September 2016 the two international EU-Mexico collaboration projects FIWARE MEXICO and smartSDK have been succesfully kicked-off in Mexico City. Hosted by the Tecnológico de Monterrey, partners from Europe and...

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Martel Innovate goes to Mexico

Pioneering a FIWARE-driven Innovation Hub between Europe and Mexico! Exciting times for the Martel Innovate team at the start of two new EC-funded projects within the Horizon 2020 context that aim at strengthening collaboration between ICT innovators in Europe and in Mexico! By building up on the...

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FIWARE & Mexico: new activities to start

New activities will start soon in Mexico in relation to FIWARE. Martel Innovate will play a primary role in these activities, reinforcing its contribution to FIWARE community. FIWARE, that has already a live community in Mexico, is going to start in the month of September a number of new...

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CAPSSI - Collective Awareness Platforms for Sustainability and Social Innovation

Martel Innovate for Sustainability & Social Innovation

[caption id="attachment_768" align="aligncenter" width="698"] CAPSSI - Collective Awareness Platforms for Sustainability and Social Innovation[/caption] As of 1st June 2016, Martel Innovate‬ is at the guide of the ChiC‬ project that is an EC funded Coordination and Support Action serving the Collective Awareness Platforms for Sustainability and Social Innovation, ‪#‎CAPSSI‬, initiative, promoted...

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New Blog Section on Martel Web Site

From today a new section is online on Martel web site! A blog containing stories and technical articles from Martel team! Check it out at [caption id="attachment_764" align="aligncenter" width="620"] Martel Innovate Blog[/caption] We will strive to have fresh stories every week! Stay tuned to learn about the...

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ICT-2016 Call Results – Avanti tutta e a testa bassa

As all ICT players who submitted proposals last April to the ICT-2016 Call, on the 28th July we received via the Participant Portal official news from the European Commission about our submissions. For Martel this was a magic year: we won 4 projects between January to March. The 28th July outcomes confirmed magic goes on: 6 proposals over 12 accepted in ICT-2016 Call.

Martel’s growth in the international innovation landscape

Martel has a consolidated innovation tradition, having served its customers and partners for more than 20 years in the field of innovation management, R&D funding and in particular international collaboration projects, spanning across major ICT fileds, such as Telecommunications, Software Engineering, Wireless Networking and Future...

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RIFE @MWC2016: architectuRe for an Internet For Everybody

[caption id="attachment_774" align="aligncenter" width="698"] RIFE stand at MWC2016[/caption] Our business partner InterDigital (IDCC) presented at the recent MWC2016 the IP-over-ICN solution that is fundamental for the RIFE project, an H2020 Research and Innovation Action Martel is coordinating, within deployments such as the ones pursued within the initiative. IDCC...

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FIWARE lands in Brazil

Dr. Federico M. Facca, Head of Martel Lab, was part of the FIWARE delegation participating to the EU-Brazil cooperation on Human Smart Cities Workshop in Natal (Brazil). The organiser of the workshops was the Brazilian Computer Society (SBC). The FIWARE delegation was led by Jesus Villasante, Head of the...

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Dr. Monique Calisti with Günther H. Oettinger, EU Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society, and Mario Campolargo Director for Net Futures in DG CONNECT at the Mobile World Congress 2016.

Digital Single Market work in progress – MARTEL @MWC16

[caption id="attachment_777" align="aligncenter" width="698"] Dr. Monique Calisti with Günther H. Oettinger, EU Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society, and Mario Campolargo Director for Net Futures in DG CONNECT at the Mobile World Congress 2016.[/caption] Working together to make the Digital Single Market vision to become a...

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Martel at the Mobile World Congress 2016

The party is about to start, let's try to make the best out of the Mobile World Congress experience! Each and every year the Mobile World Congress show becomes more and more interesting and captivating, also for small and medium innovation players like us. Just by looking...

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About Swiss participation to H2020: let’s be clear on how funding works

Yes! Swiss participation to H2020 is ENTIRELY financed by the Swiss authorities. And YES Swiss partners are perfectly entitled to participate in H2020 projects and act as prime coordinators.

As a Swiss based SME involved in EC funded collaborative projects since about 20 years and managing several ongoing ones, Martel, my company, has a consolidated and strong experience in the international R&D&I landscape. Martel has been involved in several FP5, FP6, FP7 and H2020 projects, and we are now working on a number of proposals for open and upcoming 2016 calls.

Martel new organisational structure

New organisational structure

Martel announces a new organisational structure to strengthen its business and service offering Martel introduces a new organisational structure to strength its position in the international innovation scene. The new organisational structure will diversify Martel's services portfolio, while consolidating its traditional core business. Background and future directions Martel's business profile evolved...

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