European Commission Tag

sparkling spritz

Martel Innovation cocktails

Whether you are partial to zesty cocktails or have a taste for fruity mocktails – a refreshing beverage heralds the summer holidays and at Martel we’re serving up an exciting mix of innovation for all tastes!...

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Remember the old fable of three blind people with the pachyderm? Each of them built an impression of the animal by touching it, and described quite different animals based on whether they felt the trunk, flank or tail. If 5G is that elephant, Martel builds...

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5G-DRIVE joint kick-off in China

Martel had a successful trip to China in November, 2018, facilitating the joint kick-off event between 5G-DRIVE and its sister project led by China Mobile Research Institute (CMRI), 5G Large-Scale Trials, in China. The trip also took European delegates around several 5G-related key site visits...

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EC Audit training by Martel

The EC audits its Horizon 2020 grant beneficiaries on a regular basis. Audits can happen anytime during a Horizon 2020 project and up to two years after the final payment. The selection of organisations to be audited is essentially random. This means that organisations that participate...

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Dr Monique Calisti, Martel's CEO, at NGI Forum 18

NGI progress in Porto

The second annual Next Generation Internet Forum (NGI Forum 2018) was held in September in Porto, Portugal. Co-organised by Martel Innovate, the event built on the success of last year’s inaugural NGI Forum in Barcelona. The 2018 edition attracted more than 300 registered participants and...

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NGI at Futur.e.s Festival

Futur.e.s in Paris is one of Europe’s largest innovation festivals. This year’s three-day edition in June attracted more than 22,000 visitors and Martel’s CEO Dr Monique Calisti was in attendance, participating in the Next Generation Internet (NGI) workshop hosted by Cap Digital and organised in...

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A toast from eWINE

Martel Media has confirmed its ability to achieve excellence in communicating ICT Research and Innovation projects (RIA) with the recent successful conclusion of the Horizon 2020 eWINE project. Martel was the Dissemination & Communication leader for the two-year eWINE project, which performed its final review in...

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Happy Thanksgiving!

It does seem like a good occasion to write about my first weeks with Martel Innovate.

Everyone who goes after their dreams deserves, from time to time, a shift in life that leads them a bit closer to what they want in life. Moving to Zurich is definitely one of such “shifts” for me, both personally and professionally.

Thanks to Martel, a dynamic and agile SME focusing on promoting international collaboration projects, I am able to work on things I like to do and do well in, in a city where I’d like to spend a good part of my life.